The demand for early education programs is increasing rapidly which is why individuals who have completed accredited education degree programs in Kentucky and other states are in high demand. Over the past few decades, research indicates that early childhood programs produce short- and long-term positive effects on cognitive and social development.
In 2016, Kentucky had the highest graduation rate in the country, despite a poverty rate above the national average. Since 1980, Kentucky’s poverty rate has averaged between three and five percent yet nearly 70 percent of the state’s school districts report graduation rates of 90 percent or above. Rural districts account for one-third of the graduates and 46 percent of districts with a high number of low-income students average a 90 percent graduation rate, indicating that low-income students are more likely to graduate than those of higher incomes. Much of the high graduation rate is attributed to the Kentucky Education Reform Act which prompted a coalition of business, judicial leaders, state government and individuals who worked to establish equity in schools which included more early education interventions.
In 2016, there were 2,800 early education teachers in Kentucky, earning an average salary of $36,550 per year. Nationally, there were over 151,000 early education teachers with an average salary of $55,460. It is expected that careers in early education will grow approximately seven percent over the next ten years. Growth is expected as research continues to indicate that early childhood education improves cognitive and social development, improving graduation rates and career success.
Early education programs are designed to help students who are aged birth through fifth grade gain the cognitive and social skills they need to succeed in upper grades. With research indicating that students who are provided early education skills do better in school and are more likely to graduate on time. In low income areas, the need for early childhood education is critical as they may not get the support they need at home with parents who may be working more than one job to make ends meet or may live in a one parent household. There are also programs that provide instruction on how to work with students who have special education needs and disabilities. For these students, early education may be critical to their success.
Campbellsville University
School of Education
The School of Education at Campbellsville University is ranked among the top online education programs in the country by U.S. News & World Report. The school offers courses, field experiences and student teaching that prepares students who wish to enter the education field. One of the biggest joys of becoming a teacher is empowering students to learn. Graduates of programs offered through the School of Education are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a learning classroom environment.
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
The Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education undergraduate degree prepares students to teach in inclusive preschool and kindergarten classrooms in Kentucky public schools. Students are also prepared to work as a Developmental Interventionalist, serving families and their children from birth to age three who are at risk for disability upon completion of this accredited education degree program in Kentucky. Courses emphasize child growth and development as well as requirements necessary to teach students with exceptionalities. Students gain an understanding of assessment, curriculum, instruction, learning environment, collaboration and professionalism.
Early Childhood Education
The Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education is a non-certified degree for those who wish to obtain classified positions in early education. Graduates may find positions in daycare centers or other early education facilities that do not require teaching certification but need specialists in managing children from infancy into preschool as the degree program does not provide teacher certification. Courses are the same as those required for the Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Degree with one or two exceptions.
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Education Professional Standards Board
- National Council for Accreditation for Teacher Education
Campbellsville University
1 University Drive
Campbellsville KY 42718
Telephone: 800-264-6014 or 270-789-5220
Kentucky State University
School of Education
The School of Education at Kentucky State University offers accredited degree programs in education designed for those who wish to enter the teaching field. Students who enter the school recognize the value of education and the power of acquiring knowledge. Students develop the skills necessary to qualify as a professional educator and understanding of the importance of effective communication in the education field.
Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education prepares students for positions in public school, Head Start programs, daycare centers, hospitals and more. Candidates gain the skills and knowledge necessary to work with young children and their families. Students are required to complete a student teaching practicum in order to complete the program. The program is aligned with the Kentucky Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Standards, National Association for the Education of Young Children Teacher Standards, Common Core Academic Standards and Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board Themes.
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
- Education Professional Standards Board
Kentucky State University
400 East Main Street
Frankfort KY 40601
Telephone: 502-597-6000
Morehead State University
College of Education
The College of Education provides students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in various fields of education. Students are taught in a student-focused learning environment with small class sizes and a faculty that is committed to helping them achieve their career goals. Students develop the skills and knowledge they need to work in the field of education with children from birth to secondary school and beyond. There are more than 140 undergraduate and 70 degree programs offered through the College of Education.
Early Childhood Education
The College of Education at Morehead State University offers a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education that leads to certification in Kentucky. The accredited education degree program in Kentucky provides students with an understanding of child development and effective intervention with young children, as well as how to build relationships with families and community service agencies. Students must meet general education requirements and must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.75 overall and not have a grade lower than “C” in all professional education courses.
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
- Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Department of Early Childhood, Elementary and Special Education
301 Ginger Hall
Morehead KY 40351
Telephone: 606-783-2598
Murray State University
College of Education and Human Services
The College of Education and Human Services offers accredited education degree programs in Kentucky that help graduates excel in their field. Students are provided the knowledge they need to obtain positions in public, private and government-related education organizations. Students are able to specialize study in areas that range from birth to post-secondary schooling. Students can choose from eight different programs at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
The Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education offers a broad focus in early childhood education. The program consists of liberal arts studies such as humanities, literature, history and social sciences as well as courses related to educating infants, toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners without disabilities. Students are also provided instruction on dealing with families and community agencies. Students must complete center-based early childhood program clinical experiences in order to complete the degree program. Each student must complete 200 field experience hours prior to their student teaching experience.
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education offers a more specialized focus in early childhood education with less emphasis on liberal studies. Courses for both the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts programs are similar. In both cases, students must have a GPA of 2.75 overall, a 2.75 average in the content area and a 2.75 average in professional studies to be admitted to the student teacher program.
Master of Arts in Education Teacher Leadership Endorsement
The Master of Arts in Education Teacher Leader Program at Murray State University is an accredited education program in Kentucky that prepares students who already hold a teaching certificate in elementary, middle, secondary, IECE, CTE or Special Education for leadership roles in education. It is designed for those that do not wish to accept administrative positions but wish to lead others in the educational field. The program is 30 credit hours and earns the teacher a Rank II and Teacher Leader Master’s designation. Students must also select 15 hours of specialization. Specializations may include:
- Career and Technical Education
- Elementary
- Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
- Middle School
- Secondary Education
- Special Education Learning and Behavior Disorder
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
- Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Dr. Jeanetta Riley
Early Childhood and Elementary Education
3208 Alexander Hall
Murray KY 42071
Telephone: 270-809-4045
Northern Kentucky University
College of Education and Human Services
The College of Education and Human Services at Northern Kentucky University strives to be a leader in providing accredited education degree programs for student who wish to dedicate their lives to the education of others. The college offers undergraduate degrees in education, athletic training, exercise science, human services and addiction as well as social work. The college also offers graduate programs in school counseling, clinical mental health counseling, teaching, social work and teaching. The college also offers a Doctorate of Education in Educational Leadership.
Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education
People who enjoy working with children between birth and five years old that do not have special needs would excel in the accredited degree program in education in Kentucky. Students learn how to create fun, hands-on activities and collaborate with adults to help small children grow and develop. Students are qualified to teach in community childcare programs, private preschools, Head Start programs and other locations where young children are provided early education. Students spend time in a variety of early childhood settings through practicums, field experience and student teaching. Students may choose from two options to complete the degree, either the Interdisciplinary track or the non-certification track. Students who seek the non-certification track must consult with an advisor about special application and admission requirements for the program.
- National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
Mr. Roland Sintos Coloma
Chair and Professor
Department of Teacher Education
Northern Kentucky University
Nunn Drive
Highland Heights KY 41099
Telephone: 859-572-5624
University of Louisville
College of Education and Human Development
The College of Education and Human Development offers educator preparation programs and were the first to in Kentucky to be reviewed by the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation. The school has created priorities that include educational excellence, research, scholarship and creative activity. Community engagement, diversity, equity and social justice are also high priorities at the school. The school is proud of the contributions and impact teaching, research and service of faculty, staff and students offer to the local, national and global community.
Bachelor of Science Early Elementary Education
The Bachelor of Science in Early Elementary Education is designed for students who wish to become certified in Kentucky to teach children from birth to aged five. Students develop the skills necessary to educate young children in a wide variety of settings. The program includes a strong liberal arts curriculum as well as courses related to the major. Before being accepted into the program, teacher candidates must choose a content area from the following list:
- English
- French
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- Spanish
In addition to choosing a content area, students must also choose from the following concentrations:
- Early Childhood Education
- Learning and Behavior Disorders
- Moderate and Severe Disabilities
The combination of the content area and the concentration give students a well-rounded education that employers look for when hiring staff.
M.A.T. in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education
The Master of Teaching in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education is designed to create leaders in the early elementary field. The program emphasizes in-depth academic preparation and field experience that allows teachers to move into leadership positions in early education. The program focuses on nurturing students who will be active agents in their own learning as well as providing performance-based assessment of teaching and learning. Students are able to meet the diverse needs of all students and respond to socio-cultural differences among the students they are teaching. The program prepares graduates for working with students from birth to five years old in a wide variety of settings. Students are provided experiences with multiple age levels from infants to toddlers to preschoolers. Graduates are eligible for teacher certification and are able to manage students in different settings.
M.A.T. in Teaching Early Elementary Education
The Master of Arts in Teaching for Early Elementary Education enables students to earn their teaching certificate for grades Kindergarten through grade five. Student learn fundamentals that include pedagogy, child development, special education, technology and diversity. Students are also able to gain hands-on instruction through field experiences in local schools. The goal of the program is to create graduates who are committed to helping students at lower grade levels, emphasizing the needs of individual learners while understanding the best instructional practices in a standards-based environment. Students develop the critical thinking skills necessary to meet the needs of 21st century schools. The program allows students to obtain certification to teach in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade.
- National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
MAT Early Elementary:
Students who wish to work with children from birth through grade five would benefit from the accredited degree programs in education offered at various colleges. Students gain the skills and knowledge they need to advance in a current career or move into a new career. These accredited degree programs in Kentucky are available in flexible formats so that working adults who may have work, family or social obligations can achieve their higher education goals.
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