When you want to teach math after graduating from college, you need to look at how you can specialize an education/teaching degree in math. Colleges across the country offer teaching programs, and you’ll also find some programs that take place entirely online. The best program for you depends on your overall needs and what you hope to get out of college as well as the type or age range of the students you want to teach.
Choose the Right College
Before looking at how to specialize an education/teaching degree in math, you need to decide on which college and program is right for you. Look at the number of credit hours of courses that you must take. Most schools require that you take at least 120 total credit hours, but this amount will include general education requirements in the state, including English, life science and math classes. You should look at the experiences that the college offers for future teachers too, including organizations for education students, teaching internships and student teaching experiences that you can complete in nearby schools.
Decide on the Age Range
You also need to think about the age range of the students you want to work with once you graduate. Elementary school teachers generally work with students between the ages of kindergarten or first grade through sixth grade, while junior high/middle school teachers work with students up through eighth or ninth grade. The age of your students will determine the type of math that you teach. Elementary school teachers focus on adding, subtracting and other basic skills. Those working with older students will need to understand the fundamentals of advanced math topics like calculus and geometry.
Select a Degree Type
Not all math teachers have a basic bachelor’s in education. Depending on the school you choose, you might graduate with a bachelor’s in elementary or secondary education with a concentration in math. There are also general education programs that emphasis math and programs specifically devoted to math education. Some math teachers working with both older and younger students also have a degree in math with a minor in education. Before deciding on a degree type, look at the requirements needed to get a teaching license in your state. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, some states may ask that you complete an education program that requires you complete a certain number of student teaching hours.
Gain Some Experience
While you may not need experience to specialize an education/teaching degree in math while in college, that experience will help you in the real world. Many colleges offer student observations that let you sit in a classroom and watch a math teacher at work. As you move through the program, you’ll have the chance to do your own student teaching experiences that require you actually teach one or more classes on your own. You can gain some additional experience working as an online or offline math tutor while in college too.
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Math teachers help students learn the fundamental concepts of math and how to do more advanced forms of math like trigonometry. When you enroll in an education program in college, you can specialize an education/teaching degree in math by choosing a math program with a minor in education or selecting an education program with a minor or concentration in math.