A curriculum assessment administrator is an educational specialist who develops and improves school curriculum through various assessments. They usually have recent experience teaching in the classroom or working as an education administrator. Curriculum assessment administrators are educational supervisors who focus on alternative ways to improve learning outcomes and opportunities for students and teachers. Their recommended improvements are finalized through researching, developing and testing proposed curriculum and associated teaching methods.
Curriculum Assessment Duties
A curriculum assessment administrator will select appropriate materials and textbooks for use in the classroom. They advise teachers and administrators on education laws and standards. When new courses are developed, they help determine target the student audiences and the instructional methods that will maximize learning outcomes. Curriculum assessment administrators must align instructional goals and strategies with state and federal standards. They strive to ensure that curriculum practices yield the highest results in student achievement and instructional excellence.
They direct the design, development, evaluation and revision of curriculum throughout the school year. They assume responsibility for the integrity and quality of curriculum content. They facilitate and support the implementation of curriculum instruction practices that achieve student and teacher performance objectives. They enforce K-12 curriculum standards through coordinating and leading professional development activities for teachers and instructional staff. Curriculum assessment administrators mentor and direct school curriculum managers, content researchers, instructional coaches and lead teachers.
Administrative Duties
Curriculum assessment administrators help coordinate their school’s student evaluation and teacher assessment programs. They propose new assessment resources, analyze student data and research instructional options that support academic needs. They compare and align school district curriculum polices with state and federal education regulations. They may use school district information management system to access, download and interpret educational data. Curriculum assessment administrators collaborate with school-based teams to develop unified curriculum standards and practices.
Curriculum assessment administrators observe classroom instruction and teacher performance to verify curriculum quality and effectiveness. They work with school leaders to develop and implement long-range plans to evaluate academic progress, programs and instructional materials. They may maintain budgets related to curriculum development services and programs in collaboration educational administrators. They must remain up-to-date with best curriculum practices and the associated national research. They provide professional development services to staff and teachers regarding research-based curriculum strategies.
Skills and Qualifications
Employers expect curriculum assessment administrators to have a masters of education with a specialization in curriculum, instruction or leadership. A master’s of education in curriculum development will teach students how to preemptively plan and respond to students’ diverse learning needs through differentiated learning experiences. These programs help students master the interdisciplinary skills required for success as educational administrators. Students learn how to apply evidence-based practices to make informed decisions that will positively impact student learning.
Students learn how to design standards-based curriculum assessments that ensure all students achieve the highest levels of learning. After graduation, students will be able to use research-based strategies for creating motivating curriculum. They will know how to adapt curriculum and instructional strategies to meet the changing needs and learning preferences of students. These programs teach students how to measure learning through effective, objective self-assessment.
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All credible masters of education programs for curriculum assessment administrators will be based on standards set by the U.S. Department of Education, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) or the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).