Five Podcasts for School Administrators
- Principal Matters with William D. Parker
- Principally Speaking with Jason Bodnar
- Better Leaders Better Schools
- The School Leadership Show
- Transformative Principal
The best educators know that keeping up with new techniques and insight into educational leadership can help them provide a healthy environment for learning for not only students, but also teachers, aids, and other crucial staff-members within the always changing, always growing world of education. Podcasts are a readily accessible way to hear about new and exciting administration techniques, research, data, and opinions. Read on to learn more about five podcasts for school administrators that have a lot to offer administrators at all levels of education.
Principal Matters with William D. Parker
The founder pf the Principal Matters blog, William D. Parker, offers up his strategies and practical tips for school leadership as well as experiences and techniques from other educational leaders on this podcast created to help educators achieve their goals. Subjects include: cultivating greater instructional abilities, conflict resolution, and interpersonal communication, as well as maintaining positive relationships with staff, students, parents, and the community.
Listen to Principal Matters here.
Principally Speaking with Jason Bodnar
Educators and School Administrators are life long learners themselves! Jason Bodnar knows that new and even seasoned administrators and teachers require inspiration to cultivate inspiration, creativity, and excellence with every person on an education team– even the students! Listen to interviews with inspirational educators and educational leaders to learn about school administration or hear new techniques to use with your team.
Listen to Principally Speaking here.
Better Leaders Better Schools with Daniel Bauer
School Administration and Educational Leadership can often feel like a lonely field because of the barriers which seemingly must put up when one works as the leader of a greater team. This theory is why Daniel Bauer created a community for administrators within a leadership podcast that aims to eliminate barriers and help create pathways to healthy communication between administrators and their teams. Daniel’s mission is: “Everybody wins when a leader gets better. Everybody wins when YOU get better.” Through interviews with experts in the field of education and beyond, this podcast gives you the tools you need to become a better educational leader and pass those benefits down to your teachers, students, families, and beyond.
Listen to Better Leaders Better Schools here.
The School Leadership Show by Dr. Mike Doughty
Helping school administrators become extraordinary leaders– that’s the tagline for this podcast with multiple seasons of useful information for school administrators at all levels. The School Leadership Show is recorded with major goals in mind: to show practicing and in-training administrators how to balance their work and personal lives to avoid burn out, how to see their personal potential on the job, and how to move upwards in their careers when the time comes. Listen to conversations with leaders in education and other challenging fields in this in depth, self-challenging podcast and put their tools to the test in your personal skill set.
Listen to The School Leadership Show here.
Transformative Principal with Jethro Jones
In this regularly recorded podcast, Jethro interviews principals he considers to be the “greatest on the planet”. These are principals he refers to as “Transformative Principals”. Guests are brought to the mic to teach existing administrators and administrators in training how to help students succeed to the highest standards, and help principals to better guide teachers at the ground level of student success. Every administrator has it in their power to become transformative in the lives of others, starting with their team and the students they serve.
Listen to the Transformative Principal Podcast here.