- Principals Page
- School Wires
- Superintendent’s Blog: Park 16
- Kershaw County School District Superintendent’s Blog
- Dr. Mark Stock Superintendent’s Blog
School superintendents are akin to the CEO of a school district, and these five blogs for school superintendents may help them with some of the challenges they face on the job. Each of these blogs offers a slightly different focus and perspective. Reading one of these blogs is a good way to spend a few minutes of downtime while having coffee or preparing for the start of a new day.
Principals Page
Principals Page was a blog for school principals, superintendents and administrators that added content from 2007 to 2011. The site is still active, but it has not received fresh content since 2011. Some of the topics on it include the use of cellphones in schools and how teachers in the district were evaluated for on-the-job performance.
School Wires
Terry Holliday, who was the superintendent of the Iredell-Statesville School District in Statesville, North Carolina, wrote this blog a few years ago as a part of the school district’s website. Although the blog is no longer active, archived posts are available online. The updated district website includes frequent messages from its current superintendent. Mr Brady Johnson. In Mr. Johnson’s posts, which are not strictly part of a blog, he shares what is new in the district and what parents and members of the community should be aware of, such as the district’s five core values.
Superintendent’s Blog: Park 16
Superintendent Robert Lewandowski of the School District Park 16 in Meteetse, Wyoming wrote this blog. Its topics included school district announcements so that teachers, staff members and parents could keep up-to-date on news and plans. It also included some opinion pieces in which Mr. Lewandowski wrote about his thoughts on issues. Those blog posts included opinions on changes in educational policies, standardized testing requirements and rules that school districts were required to follow. This blog appears to no longer be active, but there are archived posts available for people who want to know more about how a superintendent thinks and responds to controversial issues.
Kershaw County School District Superintendent’s Blog
According to the American School Superintendents Association, another blog worth checking out is the Kershaw County School District Superintendent’s Blog. This blog offers new content on a daily basis. It is operated by Frank Morgan, who is the superintendent of the Kershaw County School District in Camden, South Carolina. The superintendent or their staff adds information about what is going on in the school district, in state politics as it relates to education and in educational research. Some topics have included national school walk-outs and letters to legislators about state budgets.
Stock Mark Superintendent’s Blog
Dr. Mark Stock is an education administrator who maintains the Stock Mark blog for superintendents and other administrators in school systems. The blog includes posts about education issues throughout the United States. Some of the topics have included attending different types of educational leadership conferences, the qualities of a good leader in a school district and why people want to go into leadership or administration within education. The blog appears to no longer be active, but the internet archives offer access to the past topics.
Related Resource: Master’s in Educational Leadership
Most school superintendents do not have a lot of downtime. This makes it difficult for them to connect with their colleagues and stay on top of what is new in the world of education administration and educational leadership. Each of these five blogs offers useful content, news and tips on everything from pending state and federal laws around education to how to avoid burnout when the going gets tough on the job. Spending a few minutes each day reading the content on these five blogs for school superintendents is a worthwhile investment of time.